Using sex and nipple stimulation to induce labor: Does it work?

Written by: Lauren Cordon

Many people have found that nipple stimulation to induce labor as not effective. However, many can testify that during labor, nipple stimulation helps to speed along contractions. Gentle tugging or stimulation of the nipples prompt the brain to release more oxytocin. Higher levels of oxytocin encourage the uterus to contract and move the baby further down the birth canal, which triggers the release of prostaglandins. Higher levels of the prostaglandin hormone stimulate the cervix to soften. This positive cycle between oxytocin and prostaglandins can be extremely useful during labor to make faster and stronger contractions.

When it comes to sex, it is typically safe to have sex throughout pregnancy. There are a ton of questions around whether sex can induce labor. The theory is very similar to nipple stimulation. The closer to orgasm, the more the brain signals to release oxytocin. Along with the prostaglandins that a person’s own body creates, semen also contains some levels of prostaglandins. And that same positive feedback cycle between the oxytocin and prostaglandins can cause the body to have faster and stronger contractions during labor as well.

The biggest take-away here is that there is still being research done on this topic. There are many parents who can testify to this technique working for them and there are many parents who did not see any results. I think that what is key is consistency. Being consistent about daily nipple stimulation or even sexual intercourse closer to the due date might be key to giving these techniques the best possibility of working for you!